Beaufort Spirit Dark & Smoky Cocktail

Dark & Smoky


  • 45ml Three Tides Smoked Demerara Rum
  • 15ml Root Ginger Cordial
  • 15ml Coconut Palm Syrup 1:1
  • 75ml Sparkling Lapsang Souchong Soda
  • Wedge of Lime


Coconut Palm Syrup: Add 150g Coconut Blossom Sugar to 100g Hot Water and stir until dissolved. Pour into small bottle. Ready to use.

Sparkling Lapsang Souchong Soda: Add 1 bag/1 teaspoon of Lapsang Souchong Tea to 250ml hot water (5 mins off boil). Brew for 6 mins and strain. Add 250ml water to 250ml tea. Charge in Twist N Sparkle/Siphon/Soda Stream. Ready to use.


Combine the rum, cordial and palm syrup with ice in a cocktail shaker, shake for 15-20 seconds and fine strain.

Serve in a Highball glass over ice and mix with the sparkling lapsing souchong soda, stirring gently with a spoon.

Garnish with a wedge of lime.